Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Classroom Procedures For Preschool Classroom - 1478 Words

Classroom Procedures for Preschool One must look at classroom management as a plan for what procedures students will follow throughout the day. Teachers must understand their role in making sure students have a successful experience each day. Wong H. Wong R., state â€Å"Effective teachers teach how to responsibly follow procedures† (2009, p. 165). To have a smooth-running classroom with minimal behaviors, students must be taught classroom procedures from the very first day. In my classroom we have procedures for many things we do each day. Some of these are arrival of children, snack time, lining up and walking down the hallway, and cleaning up centers. I have been teaching these procedures for many years with much success. Arrival of†¦show more content†¦192). Lining up and walking down the hallways is a procedure that we have also. In our classroom, we have sixteen pieces of tape lined up in front of the door, one for each student. I first started this proce dure to be sure no student was left behind in the classroom. It helped with that while at the same time giving children their own space. Our line consists of a line leader, two door holders, other students, and then at the end is the caboose. Everston and Emmer (2013), talk about how line leaders are helpful and the children like the privilege of this job. They also talk about how noise can disturb other classrooms so it’s best to not allow any talking. This is very true in our school setting. There is a flex-learning area for K-6 grade that we walk through each day. The tape for the leader, door holders, and caboose are all different so the children know where to stand. Children are expected to be quiet and to keep their hands to themselves as we walk down the hallway. To help with this we say our hallway rhyme, â€Å"Peanut butter lips, marshmallow toes, hand down to our side, and follow our nose†. Cleaning up centers is another important procedure we have. Th ree minutes before cleanup happens, the student that is the timer that day rings a drum and then turns over a three-minute sand timer. That child also chooses what the cleanup songShow MoreRelatedDual Coding Theory And Its Effect On The Way Of A Person Remembers A Memory1153 Words   |  5 Pages2 (consistency) design. There was 16 items presented in the graduate student office and in the preschool classroom, eight were consistent and eight were inconsistent. Another group of students selected the items from a 25 list of items. The participants were to judge the items on 1) consistency with a graduate’s office and inconsistent with preschool classroom and 2) consistent with preschool classroom and inconsistent with a graduate’s office. Two items from the list were acquired to demonstrateRead MoreResearch Design And Research Project903 Words   |  4 Pagesexpectations as it relates to the push to limit gender stereotypes in the classrooms of young preschool-age stud ents. 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